Well Made Productions

Yoniverse – Cherella Gessel


Yoniverse |
Amsterdam Fringe Festival

An intimate cleansing ritual takes place in an alternative universe. Here rhymes are healing spells, purple mist is cleansing to the YONI and all trauma and negative vibrations are shaken away from the center of the body. Yoniversal healing is needed!

Cherella Gessel lives on the intersection of Afro-Caribbean, female and queer. This regularly creates inner conflicts in the western, patriarchal, capitalist, heteronormative, racist society in which we live. We see how the multidisciplinary Cherella searches for healing and balance for herself, together with like-minded people.


Concept & performer Cherella Gessel
Coaching & Final direction Samora Bergtop
Text accompaniment Kay Slice
Music Sliscobars
Technique Anass El Omri
Photography Elisabetta Agyeiwaa

Co-production Amsterdam Fringe Festival, Bijlmer Parktheater, Well Made Productions

Photo: Elisabetta Agyeiwaa

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