PREMIERED 2020, retake 2022
In the performance BEIGE you follow a young woman’s search for her roots.
What should she give to her future child?
What does she really know about her origins and history?
Why does she not know the meaning of the Surinamese beads?
And what does that stone in her grandmother’s bathroom mean?
She becomes entangled in expectations, pressures and disappointments, dreams a world away from these pressures, until eventually everything comes together. Read more…
‘Adriaansz tells the story with contagious energy and teaches you different things about being black, discrimination, and the uniting of different backgrounds.’ Read more…
SCENES ★★★★☆
‘Energetically played solo by Sheralynn Adriaansz about the search for her origins.’ Read more…
Concept Text, Performer Sheralynn Adriaansz
Final direction by Samora Bergtop
Dramaturgy Liet Lenshoek/Likeminds
Movement Mohamed Yusuf Boss
Text accompaniment Rik van den Bos
Sound and Music Lovesupreme
Lighting design Julia Clarke
Decor and Costumes Carmen Schabracq
Technique Jez Cox, Jim Borra, Julia Clarke
Photography Casper Koster
Scene Photography Jean van Lingen
Production Leonie Baars
Co-production Likeminds, Well Made Productions
Photo: Marion Visser